APA Style General Rules
Double-space your paper, including the reference list.
Format reference list entries with a hanging indent (.5 inch or 1.27 cm). See example on page 6 of this guide.
Arrange reference list entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author or by title if there is no author.
Use only the initial(s) of the author’s given name, not the full name.
If the reference list includes two or more entries by the same author(s), list them in chronological order (oldest first).
Capitalize only the first letter of the first word in the article, report, and book title and subtitle. Capitalize proper names. Capitalize all significant words of a journal title.
Italicize journal titles and volume numbers. Do not italicize issue numbers. Italicize book and report titles.
References cited in text must appear in the reference list and vice versa. The only exceptions to this rule are personal communications and secondary sources, which are cited in text only and not included in the reference list.
Any republished tables or figures (including photographs and illustrations) must be clearly marked as reprinted or adapted, and the original source must be provided both in the text and in a footnote to the table or figure.
If you are unable to identify a specific example, follow an example that is most like your source.