Verbs Used in the Literature Review
To be more precise the list below contains "Verbs Used In The Literature Review To Present previous And/Or Current Research And Contributions. This includes all past tense verbs describing what researchers did, i.e. calculated, monitored, etc. Instead of just using did, showed and found, you often need to be more specific about what a researcher actually ‘did’!
Here are some examples of how these are used:
This phenomenon was demonstrated by…
In their study, expanded T-cells were found in…
Initial attempts focused on identifying the cause of…
Weather severity has been shown to…
Early data was interpreted in the study by…
The algorithm has been proposed for these applications…
The results on pair dispersion were reported in…
Their study suggested a possible cause for…
An alternative approach was developed by…
Glasman, H. (2010). Science research writing for non-native speakers of English (pp. 36-37). Imperial College Press, London.