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APA Style Made Easy

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Inserting Figures, Tables, Equations and Landscape Pages
with Caption-Blocks

Good day from MyThesis Hub,


We are organizing an important workshop about thesis formatting on Sunday Dec 20, 2015, in Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya.

This workshop will cover figures, tables, equations and landscape pages. From formatting point of view these contents are reefered to as the nonlinear contents. We use MyThesis Caption-Blocks Method to insert nonlinear content with a single touch. 

We hope to see you in the workshop..Thank You!

Workshop contents
  • Participants will be given a complete copy of MyThesis Template V 3.5 (based on UM original template) facilitated with shortcuts for headings and captions to easily insert figures, tables and equations with a single touch.
  • Also the participents will be taught how to insert fully formatted landscape pages with a single touch.Combining chapters and collate any other material to create a single source file to work from.
  • This workshop will make thesis formatting simpler and handy.
This table summarizes major topics of the workshop:

1. Review guidelines

Review any styling guidelines, instructions or fixed standards in your university guideline.

2. Page setup

Set margins, breaks, columns, headers, footers and page numbering.
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6. Table of contents

Generate and style a table of contents, list of figures and list of tables with page numbers as needed.

10. Footnotes & endnotes

Create a consistently styled set of notes that link to numbered instances on each page.
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Terms and conditions

  • Ezdihaar GS reserves the right to alter or change the programme due to unforeseen circumstances. Every effort will be made to inform the registered participants of any change.
  • Ezdihaar GS will not be responsible for the arrangement of participants' transportation and accommodation.
  • The participant is responsible to check "MyThesis Hub official webpage / Facebook" from day before the event for any change.
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