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The One Thing
The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results MAIN IDEA The real key to achieving more in your career, with your business...
From Dissertation to Book
Getting Started, Again A young scholar completes a Ph.D. thesis and is congratulated by the supervising committee. A first-rate work, it...
Perspectives on Quality Supervision and Problems Encountered in Supervision
The 10 Most Important Qualities of the Ideal Graduate Research Supervisor Support Supportiveness is the quality that PhD students value...
How to Write a Blog Post from Your Journal Article in Eleven Easy Steps.
You’ve just published a research article – why should you bother writing a blog post about it? Patrick Dunleavy argues that if you’ve...
LDS&F (Long Documents Structuring & Formatting)
Let’s distinguish between two types of documents: Short documents ( 30 pages ) Long documents (50 page and above). To handle longer...
Introducing Thesis Templates to "Senior Professors"
Introduction In this era of the academic industry, many professors are trying to publish as many journals as possible. The high demand...
UMPRO Template: The "Simplest" Thesis Template in Malaysia.
I am so happy to present the "simplest" thesis template in Malaysia. This template was created for University of Malaya. The caption...
The Akrasia Effect: Why We Make Plans, but don’t Take Action
By the summer of 1830, Victor Hugo was facing an impossible deadline. Twelve months earlier, the famous French author had made an...
Myth 6: Big is Bad and is to be Feared !
Loads of people don't chase big dreams because they have fallen for the myth "big is bad." The reality is if you fear being highly...
Myth 5: A Balanced Life !
“The truth is, balance is bunk. It is an unattainable pipe dream... . The quest for balance between work and life, as we’ve come to think...
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