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Myth 4: Willpower is Always "On-Call"
Another of society’s prevailing myths is that the willpower to do anything is always on call and can be summoned whenever and wherever it...
Myth 3: You must be "Disciplined"!
In society at large, there is an enduring idea that to be successful, you have to lead a "disciplined life." Therefore, if you're not yet...
Myth 1: Everything Matters Equally
The idea of equality of achievements is a lie pure and simple. When everything seems to be of equal importance, you become busy doing...
Myth 2: Multitsaking is a Good Thing
In 2009, Stanford University professor Clifford Nass set out to prove definitively how multitaskers work. He studied 262 people who were...
A Prezi on How to Implement Thesis Templates in Research Methodology Classes
Any efforts to improve the proficiency in academic writing particularly thesis structuring and formatting among students must targeted at...
عن التعريب والابداع في العلوم المتقدمة
الامم ,عموما, تمتلك لغة ,بها تشكل المفاهيم الاساسية للوعي وبها تدرك المحيط وبها يصوغ الناطقون بها كل مفاهيمهم الجديدة. الوعي هو الاداة...
An Introduction to Modern Thesis Templates
All Microsoft Word documents are based on templates (Dotx). Templates serve as the master or pattern for the layout and formatting of...
Science Research Writing: Book Review
Who is this book for? This book is designed to help non-native speakers of English write science research papers for publication in...
Guides from World Class Universities
Long Document ٍٍٍStructuring & Formatting LDS&F is very important and requires higher skills in MS Word than writing short documents. In...
How to Organize Your Thesis With Trello
Writing thesis is very difficult. But not only writing is difficult. Everything around it is too :) So .. How to stay organized? In this...
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